Chris Leeper – Director 

Chris and Carlene Leeper have been married for 24 yrs and are parents to eight amazing Kingdom kids. Carlene is a wonderful homemaker and home schools all eight of their children. Chris was called into full time ministry six months after he accepted the LORD at age 21. He has served in many roles in the church, from usher, deacon, outreach pastor, missionary and lead pastor. In 2003 he started a mission ministry called Mission One Million to raise up orphan children to become missionaries and leaders in India, as well as support and strengthen pastors and leaders around the world by training them in a SPIRIT Empowered Lifestyle and teaching them how to bring the Kingdom of GOD to their cities. In 2013, the LORD gave Chris a vision during a prayer meeting in which Christians were united in every sphere of society. He saw Christian leaders from every area, as well as intercessors, united in a covenant relationship to establish partnerships for societal transformation, and advance God’s Kingdom in their area of influence. Since this vision, Chris has been led to help unite the Church and Christians throughout California as well as internationally for the purpose of transformation. Both Chris and Carlene simply desire to be servants to the Body of CHRIST by helping them fully express what is in the FATHER’s heart for their family, community, state, and nation.  


Romando and Marcia are directors of Ekballo Pasadena, a missional base housing the Ekballo House of Prayer and ministry School of Prayer & Harvest in Pasadena, California. Mando leads Hope California, a movement galvanizing the church in California to reach the lost through prayer and massive evangelism. He also oversees The Upper Room Network (TURN), an intercessory network dedicated to praying for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit unto a great harvest. Having been a missionary and the director of a house of prayer at the University of Southern California, Mando is dedicated to catalyzing the convergence of prayer and evangelism as a key to the great harvest.

Mando and Marcia are worshipers at heart and have written songs, led worship, arranged music, and directed choirs of children and adults. Mando and Marcia have been married for 21 years and have six children.


Iosefa & Eunice Barruel-Lam Yuen 

Iosefa and Eunice Barruel-Lam Yuen are worshipers whose desire is to see the nations worship. Eunice is the Founder and Executive Director of New Strength International Ministries (NSIM), and Global Day of Worship, TM (GDW), whose mission is to usher the glory of God to the nations for transformation and harvest. She along with her husband, desire to partner with national and international churches, ministries and organizations in order to exhort, equip and release them to fulfill their purposes and destinies. One main focus of NSIM is to teach and train children in orphanages in worship and arts. Through this training, children will be introduced to Jesus and be equipped to have overcoming lives despite circumstances. Eunice travels nationally and internationally teaching in conferences and leading people to worship in freedom. Eunice is an alumna of the Regent University School of Business.


George Runyan 

photoGeorge Runyan gave his life to Christ in (1958). He received his calling from the Lord in 1960. He was ordained in 1973. He holds a Bachelor of Theology and a Master of Theological Studies.

Pastor Runyan has been involved with planting eleven churches nationally and internationally. He directs City Church Ministries, networking with hundreds of pastors and civic leaders throughout the San Diego region. He is a Faculty member of Vision International University where he serves on the Board of Regents. He is an author and has been a radio broadcaster for many years.

George is working with ministers from other cities who carry a similar vision for a united church in the locality. His passion has been to see the walls of separation between churches, ethnic groups, and civil government broken down. He has authored a number of booklets, training materials, and has two books on the Person and Work of the Holy Spirit. George and his lovely wife Becky have seven children and sixteen grandchildren. They live near San Diego, California.