For Pastors
We Need HOPE!
Mike Carlisle
Praying Together
George Runyan
Impacted 900 Homes
Pastor Jerry Phillips
It Changed My Life
Pastor Ron Wade
Ways to be Involved
Doing what you already do
Many churches are already doing what the 40 Days of HOPE is encouraging. Many of us already have prayer meetings, worship events, or outreach activities. However, can we do them in such a way that other people from different churches can join us during the 40 Days of HOPE? For Example, if there is a prayer meeting that you already have, you could open it up on our Prayer Force Zoom Room and share it so that others can join you in praying with an emphasis on the 40 Days of HOPE.
See more testimonies and videos here.
Keep your congregation informed
Share the daily prayer prompts with your congregation which will encourage and direct them as they join other believers in praying for the region.
Encourage your Congregation to Join the Fast
Fasting is one of the most powerful tools that GOD has given us to draw near to HIM. Imagine your congregation, and others, throughout your region fasting and praying together, and being directed to pray similar prayer prompts. It will not only bring transformation to our congregations, but it will effect the region for the Kingdom of GOD.
Pray for Your Neighborhoods
Using your congregation can adopt their neighborhood in prayer evangelism and care for those around them. We also encourage inviting your neighbors to your Easter Service at the end of the 40 Days of HOPE.
Join or host a Special Event
We don’t often have the opportunity to cross pollinate with other congregations. By doing a special worship or prayer event it gives our congregations new life and hope by mingling with other believers outside of their normal weekly routines.
Host a Pastor’s Prayer Group
If unity has been on your heart, the 40 Days of HOPE is a great time to reach out to other pastors in your city and ask them to come together regularly during the 40 Days to pray and fast together for your area. This one activity has changed many pastors during prior 40 Days of HOPE.
See what churches in East County San Diego did during their Multi-Church Worship & Unity Night – East County Unity Night
There is more…
Creativity is a gift in many pastors. We have seen the 40 Days of HOPE do amazing things in setting the hearts of believers on fire for GOD, and there is endless expressions that can come out of this time of fasting and prayer. Feel free to explore with the Holy SPIRIT what HE would have you to do during the 40 Days of HOPE.