“All these with one accord (in full agreement), were devoting themselves to prayer, together (waiting on the LORD) with the women and Mary the mother of Jesus, and his brothers.” Acts 1:14
Prayer for the Body of CHRIST
- That we would want GOD more than anything else
- The Holy SPIRIT would be poured out on the Church like in the book of Acts.
- Pastors and Congregations would
- Have a vibrant prayer life; both asking and listening to GOD.
- Read, soak, and rejoice in the Word of GOD.
- Have strong marriages that are healthy and CHRIST-centered
- Have children that are strong believers in the LORD and live for HIM alone.
- That we would preach the Gospel to everyone. Mark 16:15
- We would be convinced in our hearts that JESUS is the only way of salvation and would live accordingly.
- Every believer would take personal responsibility in sharing the Gospel.
- That we would truly love our neighbors and coworkers as ourselves (Matt 22:39)
- Praying for them regularly
- Seeking opportunities to serve and care for them
- Share the Gospel with them.
- We would develop a lifestyle of sharing our faith with the lost and perishing.
- That the love of CHRIST would compel us and conquer all our fears.
- That we would disciple nations. Matt 28:19-20
- Christians would be activated to bring both salvation and the Kingdom culture of righteousness, love, and truth into every sphere of society.
- That we would take responsibility in leading our regions in the ways of the Kingdom.
- Pray that we would recognize that we are a part of GOD’s solution to the problems in our region; that there is no one better to lead than GOD’s children.
- That the Churches would grow, and new souls would be brought into the Kingdom
- That we would discover the best methods to reach and disciple the lost without compromising anything in the area of holiness, and GOD’s Word.
- That the atmosphere in our regions would change, and it would become easy to lead people to CHRIST and draw them into a life giving fellowship of believers.
- Believers would have a heart to serve the poor, broken, and needy.
- Foster Children and Youth at risk
- Homeless
- Sex Trafficking Victims
- The Disabled
- Single Mothers
- Believers would be an example of CHRIST-likeness in
- Character
- Morals
- Wisdom
- Leadership
Pastors (pray for your pastor as well as those in your region):
Would be refreshed, revived, and re-envisioned by the LORD.
Would hear the LORD clearly and do what HE wants them to do without fear.
Would have flourishing marriages with intimacy, time together, and common mission in the LORD.
Children would have a personal, vibrant, and powerful relationship with the LORD.
The Congregations they lead would pray for, support, encourage, and receive their leadership and the Word of GOD from them.
“…I heard the voice of the Lord, saying: “Whom shall I send, And who will go for Us?” Then I said, “Here am I! Send me.”(Isa 6:8)
That GOD would send missionaries to our nation, the world, and to unreached people groups.
People would hear and receive the call to go to the nations.
Their hearts response would be “Here am I! Send me.”(Isa 6:8)
That GOD would prepare their lives for the challenges they will face.
That the grace of GOD would flourish in those who are already out on the field.
That they would see the fruit of the Holy SPIRIT like never before.
Strengthen them LORD!
Prayer for Your State
- LORD break the Spiritual Anarchy
- Bring forth humility and love
- Take away all Witchcraft and it activity from our nation
- Break the spiritual power of witchcraft
- Break the power of all curses and spells spoken over our president, administration and those who support them and replace it with a blessing.
- Break off the Spirit of death over our nation
- Abortion
- Suicide
- Murder
- Violence
- Bring LIFE to every place there has been death
- Bring the fear of GOD back to America
- Redeem the media and remove all corruption from it.
- May they promote what is on GOD’s heart
- Present Accurate News
- Raise up godly people to lead the media
Our Government “Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers; but his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night. He is like a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither. In all that he does, he prospers.” Ps 1:1-3
May our government leaders
- Stay far away from the counsel of the wicked
- Not follow the way of evil
- Delight in GOD’s law and ways
- Have a vibrate relationship with CHRIST
- Yield the fruits of righteousness
- Protect them from all ungodly spiritual attack
- Prosper them as they follow GOD’s purposes for America
- Live in integrity and without hypocrisy
- Be committed to deliver what they have promised
- Not be moved by any evil assault against them
- That GOD would strengthen and help them in all of their duties
- Have blessed marriages that are loving, tender, strong and united
- Providing an example for our nation to follow
- Providing an example for our nation to follow
- Parent their children well, spend quality time with them, and lead them to CHRIST as their only hope
Families in our Community and Nation
“In the family, life is brought not only to our doorstep, but into our kitchens, bedrooms, and dens. In the family, life is happening all around us, and it begs to be questioned, evaluated, interpreted, and discussed. There is no more consistent, pregnant, dynamic forum for instruction about life than the family, because that is exactly what God designed the family to be, a learning community.” ~ Paul David Trip “A good father is one of the most unsung, unpraised, unnoticed, and yet one of the most valuable assets in our society.” — Billy Graham
Fathers Would:
- Lead and direct their families
- Love the LORD with all their hearts
- Spiritually lead their home
- Discipline their children
- Envision them to live for righteousness
- Establish wholesome values and boundaries
- Live and Model what they want to mold in their kids
- Help develop their children’s character
- Love, affirm, and nurture their children’s hearts
- Love their mother, creating a place of security for the kids
- They would be open to the gospel and GOD would send someone to share it. (Be open to that person being you.)
What a mother sings to the cradle goes all the way down to the coffin. ~ Henry Ward Beecher
“To be a mother is by no means second class. Men may have the authority in the home, but the women have the influence. The mother, more than the father, is the one who molds and shapes those little lives from day one.” ~ John MacArthur
- Would know their importance in the family
- GOD would affirm their identity as beloved daughters
- Would make raising their children a priority
- Would Love, nurture, and guard their children from what could harm them physically, mentally, and spiritually.
- Would have patience, tenderness, and love with their children
- They would not compromise structure and discipline
- Would have wisdom and discernment in how to help their children process through their emotions and challenges that they face
- Create an environment where their children feel safe and secure at home
- Would be a good example in honoring and respecting their father
- They would be open to the gospel and GOD would send someone to share it. (That person may be you.)
“In marriage do thou be wise: prefer the person before money, virtue before beauty, the mind before the body; then thou hast a wife, a friend, a companion, a second self.” ~ William Penn
- Would be strong with the commit until death do we part
- Divorce would not be an option
- Would have intimacy and fulfill each other’s needs
- Would be loving and caring for one another
- They would defer to one another’s needs and refuse to be selfish.
- They would want to have many kids.
- They would be a team when it comes to parenting their kids
- They would be open to the gospel and GOD would send someone to share it.
Children (Pray for your children/grand Children as well)
“The foundation of all free government and all social order must be laid in families and in the discipline of youth. Young persons must not only be furnished with knowledge, but they must be accustomed to subordination and subjected to the authority and influence of good principles. It will avail little that youths are made to understand truth and correct principles, unless they are accustomed to submit to be governed by them.” Noah Webster
- Would obey their parents in everything that is right and good
- Would give themselves to their studies for the preparation of life
- Have a servant’s heart – serving and caring for those around them
- Protect them from the harm and wickedness of TV, movies, video games, and the internet
- Protect their hearts from bitterness, anger, self seeking, pride, and unforgiveness
- Give them a thankful and grateful heart for all that they have
First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way. This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior, 4 who desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. 1 Tim 2:1-5
- Guide them in their decisions, that they would be in the best interests of GOD and the people
- Help them keep their promises to the people
- That each one would be saved and discipled
- That they would be selfless servants with godly motives
- Bless their marriage and children
- Protect them for the attack or deception of the enemy. Shut the mouth of the enemy.
- Give them strength for the long hours of work
- Wisdom and understanding in their decisions, administration, and leadership
- Wisdom and direction in solving systemic evils like poverty, gangs, crime, prostitution, homelessness etc..
Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb is a reward. Ps 127:3
- That abortion would end in America
- The ideology that abortion is acceptable would change
- That women would seek alternatives to abortion such as adoption
- That fathers would take responsibility for their child
- That we would stop having sex outside of marriage
- That couples would take responsibility for their behavior and care for their child
- Close down every abortion clinic in America
- That the Supreme Court would make it illegal to abort children
- That every life would receive equal representation under the law whether in the womb or outside
- That we would embrace as a nation that life starts at conception
- That America would pave the way to help end abortion around the world
- Teachers would be treated with great respect and honor
- They would be led by the LORD in how they should teach the children
- That the environment in schools would be favorable toward GOD
- That Prayer and the Bible would be brought back into public schools
- Believing teachers and administers would be bold, wise, and discerning in how they can impact their school for CHRIST
- That congregations would adopt the public schools around them and bring the needed tutoring and volunteer support
- The local school boards would be unified and focused on what is best for the children
- Protecting them from evil and supporting what is good
Sex Trafficking
“O Lord, you hear the desire of the afflicted; you will strengthen their heart; you will incline your ear to do justice to the fatherless and the oppressed, so that man who is of the earth may strike terror no more.” Ps 10:17-18
- For our eyes to be opened that it is happening in our cities
- For the victims in our congregations to receive the LORD’s healing
- That GOD would save the children who are currently victims to this evil
- Bless and pray for San Diego’s Law Enforcement Human Trafficking Taskforce
- That the Outreach Teams would be effective in raising awareness
- For more volunteers to raise awareness and discourage this evil
- That law enforcement would be effective in saving victims and persecuting pimps and buyers
- Victims/survivors would receive spiritual healing and the grace to forgive as well as housing, good foster families, and jobs.
- For buyers and pimps to find forgiveness and healing in the LORD
- For men and youth to be undergirded in God’s word and have emotional support to fight the onslaught on their sexuality.
- That GOD would change our sexually charged culture into a pure and GOD honoring society
- That GOD would send a revival to Hollywood and transform the entire industry
- Movies would honor GOD, HIS character, morals, and ethics
- Evil productions would stop because of lack of people and interest to produce them
- That Christians in Hollywood would stay pure and represent CHRIST well no matter the cost.
- That there would be unity and love for one another among the Christians
- For believers to respond with wisdom, peace, and unconditional love to those who disagree with them
- Pray that the depression, anxiety, panic attacks, & eating disorders that come with the Hollywood culture would lead them to CHRIST as their SAVIOR and they would find peace in HIM.
The Harvest
Jesus said to them, “My food is to do the will of him who sent me and to accomplish his work. Do you not say, ‘There are yet four months, then comes the harvest’? Look, I tell you, lift up your eyes, and see that the fields are white for harvest. Already the one who reaps is receiving wages and gathering fruit for eternal life, so that sower and reaper may rejoice together. For here the saying holds true, ‘One sows and another reaps.’ I sent you to reap that for which you did not labor. Others have labored, and you have entered into their labor.” John 4:34-38
- A great harvest of souls would be brought into the Kingdom
- That it would be easy to share our faith and well received
- That the gospel would be scattered like seed and would bring a great harvest
- That eyes and ears would be opened to receive salvation and restoration to GOD
- That believer would share the hope of CHRIST with all and not be distracted by the circumstance going on around them.
- That GOD would raise up labors and send them to share the gospel and disciple all who come into the Kingdom
- That believers would be prepared to work hard in the harvest field to reach and save as many as possible
- Declare “The spiritual drought is over!” and pray that we would all live in the new reality that the harvest is white and ready to be harvested.
- Raise up the sows and reaps LORD!